Delaware, Ohio
Delaware, Ohio
Memory about soybean farming:Amazing how technology has changed the farm in the last years. We can document, from planting to harvest, every aspect of what we have done to grow this crop. It has made us make better decisions on what we do to grow this crop.
Memory about American Soybean Association:Watching the change—how agriculture has changed as a part of national politics in my time with ASA. Starting out talking with offices about what a soybean is and how it affects the food system in this country, to being a source of information to help drive agriculture’s way in today’s political climate.
Memory about the state soybean association:My first international trip with [Ohio Soybean Association]. Meeting with COSCO executives and speaking through an interpreter for 30 minutes and then asked in perfect English by the CEO if he could call me when I decided what ratio of soybeans to corn I was going to plant this year.